
What You Can Do

If you live in the Tucson area

Attend the Tucson Operation Streamline court.

Streamline is held most weekdays at 1:30 pm on the second floor of the Evo DeConcini U.S. courthouse, 405 W. Congress St. Members of the public may attend. Bring ID and expect to go through security screening. No photos or recordings are permitted.

Before you go, visit the court website and download the Streamline calendar to confirm that court will be in session and to see the list of defendants by name. http://www.azd.uscourts.gov/calendars Print the list and bring it to court – it will make it easier to follow the proceedings.

Volunteer as an End Streamline court observer

End Streamline documents the prosecutions of asylum seekers in the Tucson Streamline court proceedings. Contact us at endstreamline@gmail.com if you would like to volunteer as a court observer.

If you live in another part of the U.S.

  • Join with others in your area to oppose the criminal prosecution of immigrants and separation of families through deportation. Be sure to seek out immigrant-led organization and work under their leadership.
  • Support national immigration justice organizations. [Link to Resource page]
  • Visit a Federal Courthouse in your area to see these prosecutions for yourself. Find your federal district court here. [Link – http://www.uscourts.gov/court-locator ]


  • Contact Members of Congress to demand an end to the criminal prosecution of migrants and an end to fast-track Streamline courts.
  • Insist to local elected officials that local police and jails do not cooperate with ICE when immigrants are apprehended by local law enforcement.
  • Work with others to elect local and national representatives who will work to create real immigration reform.